Flint and Tinder

Did you know that 99% of the men's underwear sold in America comes from, well, places like China, Indonesia and Thailand? The other 1% isn't exactly what you'd call a premium product either. Flint and Tinder began with a pledge to change that, build a better product than you're used to and help revive the American cut and sew industry in the process.

Queens of Africa Dolls

The Queens of Africa Dolls is a global initiative aimed at helping African girls develop a positive self-image and self-esteem. Their mission is to make dolls, books, comics, songs and other products that help empower little black girls around the world to embrace their beautiful, natural selves. They aim to act as an agent of cultural diversity, sensitivity and awareness for ALL girls.

Fresh Words Market

Fresh Words Market is a line of modern art for the spaces where adults and children meet. But FWM is more than just an art collection, it's a movement. For every print sold, Fresh Words Market donates 10% of its proceeds to women and children focused initiatives around the world.  We believe that great art coupled with the passion to help those in need will indeed help to change the world.

Who Gives A Crap

Feel good toilet paper that uses 50% of its profits to build toilets in the developing world. 100% recycled. Free delivery! Order from


L. is a condom company with a cause; to support women globally by focusing on sexual empowerment. We create the highest quality condoms for the modern consumer: in safety, comfort and design. Our brand represents a movement for consumers' choice to support better sex, a better cause and a better world. Core to our mission, L. partners with development organizations to support women and HIV prevention. For every condom that's purchased, one is distributed in a developing country. 


L., Condoms, Safe Sex, Africa, HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Talia Frenkel


Founded by Engineers Without Borders Canada and PUBLIC Inc., RUBR is a Canadian social venture that believes we truly can do better, by providing quality products with natural rubber that make a difference and give consumers choice. The first RUBR product is our hockey puck, which is made in Canada and produced with natural rubber from the trees of Liberia — marrying social business and our national pastime.


In a short period of time ONEHOPE Wine has become one of the most recognizable cause brands in the United States of America. The charitable company has grown rapidly over the past three years due to a respected and positive presence in all charitable fields.
ONEHOPE has become the socially conscious wine of choice at several hundred premier events including the Grammy’s, The American Red Cross Gala, the BAFTA’s, Sundance Film Festival and VH1 Save the Music.

Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee Co.

In 2005, Jonathan Golden, founder of Land of a Thousand Hills, recognized a simple and tangible opportunity to make a difference in the reconciliation of the Rwandan people. This realization led Golden to start a coffee company that pays a fair wage to the farmers of Rwanda, helps them with their basic needs, and brings a quality product to coffee lovers.
The introduction of specialty coffee to the healing fields of Rwanda proved to be an uncommon opportunity for once warring countrymen to not only rebuild their homesteads, but to work together toward lasting peace. A commitment to excellence in coffee has brought dignity and hope to a nation that history suggested would never recover.
Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee Co. partners with farmers and local community leaders to develop the coffee into a sustainable income, pay a just Living Wage, and strive to further meet the needs of the people.

Bamboo Bottle

Finally, there's a clean, safe and stylish bottle that is made from the practically inexhaustible resources of bamboo and glass. Bamboo gives our bottles style and strength. The glass guarantees safe, clean drinking at all temperatures. Whether you're chugging ice-cold water or sipping on steaming-hot tea, this uber-cool bottle is BPA-free, ensuring no chemicals leach into your drink.

Twins For Peace

Initially, we developed a one for one model: for each pair of TWINS sold, we donated a pair of shoes to a child in need. We produced the donated pair of children’s shoes in the Donation Project country to help the local economy and avoid displacing workers. 

In partnership with SOS ...Enfant, we now donate medical supplies, school tuition, books and supplies to children living in impoverished countries. 
Each time a sneaker is purchased another pair is donated to a child in need. 

Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment.  Established in 1988, the Burlington, Vermont based company remains an independent, privately-held company distributing products to natural food stores, supermarkets, mass merchants, and online retailers across the United States and Canada.


Bogobrush is the first toothbrush you'll actually care about. It's beautifully designed, ecologically sound, and socially minded; when you buy one, we give one!


AFIA is an award-winning sustainable, tastemaking women’s clothing line sourced and sewn in Ghana, West Africa.
Designer Meghan Sebold handpicks the cotton wax fabric from the markets in the capital city of Accra – we use fabric printed in Ghana to support this iconic industry and showcase the fabric in our market. We work with sewing cooperatives in Ghana paid a fair wage for their craft.

Linhardt Design

Linhardt Design is the New York-based fine and fashion jewelry house that is revolutionizing the industry with its extra-ordinary designs coupled with socially and environmentally responsible practices. Linhardt merges design sophistication with the highest principles of sustainability by exclusively using recycled precious metals and mine-to-market gemstones. At a time when jewelry companies are outsourcing, Linhardt manufactures locally, creating jobs right in the Diamond District of Manhattan, while bringing supply chain transparency to the industry. 
Linhardt Design is a woman-owned, BCorp-certified business with a percentage of proceeds donated to the education of girls in Africa.


Musewear was created to spread inspiration, positivity and plain ol' fun with our flip flops AND our philosophy of giving something back to the world in which we thrive. We've built in the ability for you to make a difference when you shop with us. We think of it as "the Big Bang for Your Buck theory." We've pledged to donate 15% of our profits to the organizations below, because we admire their commitment to make our world a safer, cleaner and more vibrant place …